Are your objectives and your mission the same thing?

  • 07 Jul 2023
  • Goal

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Are Your Objectives and Mission the Same Thing?

  • 07 Jul 2023
  • -
Are your objectives and your mission the same thing?

Goal vs. Purpose: Are goals and purposes the same thing? Does one thing lead to the next? Is one required for the other? Learn how to succeed with them.



When it comes to having goals, there is no shortage of preachers. Goal-setting and goal-achievement are essential tenets of self-help books, audio and video programs, and live seminars.

So, are objectives and purposes the same thing? Does one thing lead to the next? Is one required for the other?

Definition of goal

Let's start with a few definitions. A goal is the object of your desire or effort. It's something you wish to accomplish or get. You may have many goals, few goals, or none at all. Goals aren't necessarily of your own creation; you might be persuaded, controlled, or even compelled to pursue a goal.

Definition of purpose

In contrast, your purpose is the reason for your being. Working backward, it indicates that if you exist, you must have a reason for being. It does not, however, imply that everyone is aware of the purpose. It cannot be chosen or pushed upon you, unlike a goal; it simply is.

You'll see that some people have no goals and yet they're here, therefore even if you don't have goals, you must have a purpose.

Is it true that having goals inherently implies that those goals support your purpose? No, it does not. People frequently resist who and what they are, often quite angrily and actively.

Do you know your purpose when you set a goal?

Setting objectives without knowing your purpose is a futile and unsatisfying endeavor. In this world, focusing on goals rather than purpose is rampant, and neglecting purpose entirely is extremely frequent. So, if ambitions are impeding the fulfillment of your mission, they must leave, and they can go because they are not required.

Going goal-free might be a terrifying notion for many people, but it is not essential. Goals have a way of focusing your thoughts, so if you set goals that support your purpose with care, they will make your life easier and more satisfying.

Your purpose is essential because it is happening right now. While your mission may manifest in the future, you have complete power over the present moment. Goals, on the other hand, are always in the future: if a goal is achieved in the present, it is null and void because a goal that has been achieved is no longer a goal, but an achievement. Don't get me wrong: accomplishment is wonderful, but it removes the objective from the equation and redirects your attention to your purpose.

How to structure your goal

The structure of your goals has a significant impact on whether or not your purpose is realized. Many people, for example, set goals that are basically within the control of others. You may be disappointed if you set a target for a certain person to buy a specific product from you. If your goal is to make someone adore you, you are seeking to impress a goal on that person. Sometimes it works, but most of the time it doesn't, and the disappointment may be heartbreaking.

Setting a sales objective that does not require a specific buyer or the sale of a specific product is a preferable approach. It is preferable to strive to be lovable rather than to be liked. Of course, circumstances occasionally force details to be reconciled, even if they are not ideal. It is important to remember in these situations that our purpose is not bound to the attainment of this specific objective; such a goal may support our meaning in success, but it cannot take away our purpose in failure.

Sometimes people use objectives to escape their purpose, and they use goals to justify their failure to pursue who they truly are. Consider the following scenarios:
"I can't start my own business because I need this job I despise to support my family."
"After working so hard all day, I'm too tired to go to the gym."
"My parents have too many needs for me right now to pursue a romantic relationship."

In these examples, what appear to be worthwhile goals such as supporting your family, working hard, and caring for your parents are actually excuses that prevent you from following your purpose and the goals that support it.

People also use objectives to divert themselves from the present, which they may find unsatisfying or even hurtful. Remember that your purpose occurs in the now, and if the underlying reason you chose some lofty objective is to consume your attention, it will be damaging to your ability to be present here and now. When you commit to a goal, whether well-chosen or not, it gains prominence in your life. If you suppress your feelings while pursuing this with tenacity,

So, begin with your goal. Choose goals that will help it, or choose none at all. Release yourself from all previous commitments to goals that no longer serve you. If you do, you will discover a healthy cohabitation between your purpose and any ambitions you choose to keep.

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