Don't want to work? 15 Ways to Get Motivated for Work

  • 26 Jan 2024
  • Motivation

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15 Ways to Get Motivated for Work and Boost Your Productivity

  • 26 Jan 2024
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Don't want to work? 15 Ways to Get Motivated for Work

Have you ever felt uninspired to work? We have all been there. When you're feeling unmotivated at work, try these 15 simple techniques to become rejuvenated.



Learning how to stay motivated to work every day is a typical issue, whether you enjoy or dislike your job. If you despise your job, it is obvious that finding motivation for work is difficult. However, even if you enjoy your job, there will be mornings when you find it difficult to get out of bed.

It's easy to get into a rut and become locked in the same mundane routine, and the joy for work eventually fades. However, if you continuously drive yourself to show up at work every day, you'll notice:
- Increased energy levels to enter work mode.
- Increased passion for tackling obstacles as they emerge.
- Longer-term outcomes are more consistent.

If it were easy to show up for work every day, everyone would do it, and businesses would not spend $84 billion every year. Part of the problem, however, is that corporations try to inspire you with incentives, promotions, attendance awards, company luaus, virtual dog shows, and pizza.

Not to imply that eliminating these incentives is required, but firms are passing on a huge chance to offer you with the skills you need to learn how to be motivated at work. Instead than relying on the organization for inspiration, you may take steps to excite yourself.

Ways to Boost Motivation for Work

Everyone is prone to lack of motivation. If you're looking for ways to get inspired at work, we've compiled a list of suggestions below.

1. Create Small Goals

If you have a significant job to finish, the procedure may appear overwhelming. That is, unless you set smaller goals. Take everything one at a time. For example, having a yearly sales target to meet might be scary. So, instead, consider concentrating on tiny weekly or even daily objectives; they will ultimately add up!

2. Don’t Look at it as Hard Work

To encourage oneself at work, don't think of it as hard job. Instead, consider each day and activity as a stepping stone in your career. This allows you to gain the drive and energy required to complete tasks.

3. Make Your Internal Dialogue Pleasant and Compelling

Be your own cheerleader, not dictator. Instead of condemning language like "should" and "have to," use positive words of potential and encouragement like "I can," "I want," "I desire," and "I will." This is one of the most effective strategies to gain inspiration at work.

Include a mental or physical depiction of a task that was successfully done. Consider the beneficial repercussions of its accomplishment.

4. Remind Yourself “Why” You Work

Employees are typically motivated by external factors such as praises, incentives, and job advancements. These may feel fantastic, but they are only a "sugar high" and will not persist.

Consider yourself to be intrinsically motivated. The simplest method to recognize these internal sources of inspiration is to discover your own unique "why." This feeling of purpose will drive the lengthy trip ahead.

For example, you may be arriving to work early every day for a week to satisfy the boss, build the groundwork for a promotion, or complete a project that has been looming over your head for some time.

It's similar to dropping weight before a class reunion or a beach holiday. While these are clearly motivators for weight loss, they are rarely sustained over time.

Consider how your working motivation shifts when you consider the example you want to set for your children, how you want to serve your long-term coworkers, or how you believe in your company's overall objective.

Perhaps you just assume that your current work will help you learn and prepare for the next stage in your career. These are deeper, more significant reasons that will teach you how to become and remain motivated at work.

5. Preparation Is Key

Before you go to bed, jot down your plans for the following day. That way, when you wake up in the morning, you won't be racing through a thousand different scenarios in your thoughts, stressed about all you have to accomplish. You know that when you get at your desk, there is a well-planned strategy ready to be executed.

Doing this the night before not only decreases your stress levels, but it also establishes an ordered path to productivity during the first vital hours of the day, giving you the momentum you need to complete the remaining things on your desk.

6. Use the Hemingway Technique

Nothing boosts your drive for work like momentum, and Ernest Hemingway had a fantastic strategy. His strategy was to leave the final chapter or paragraph incomplete at the end of the day, especially if he knew how it would end.

Then, when he got down at his desk the next day, he could instantly begin writing and gain momentum for the remainder of the day. He would never sit at his desk, wondering what to do next.

You may use this strategy to boost your workplace motivation. Instead of staying late on Friday or working over the weekend to complete your job, deliberately choose a stopping point so that when you return to work on Monday, you know exactly what to do next. This sort of momentum will help you get through your workday.

7. Find a Trigger

Do you understand what pushes you to work hard? If not, consider creating a customized prompt to help you get started each day. Every now and again, you ingest something that gives you a big boost of inspiration. This is critical to understanding what inspires you to accomplish a good job. It may be a wonderful book, an inspiring sports movie, or a fantastic TED lecture you recently saw. Many authors listen to the same playlist again while writing.

Lin Manuel Miranda, well known for his performance in the Broadway musical Hamilton, developed a playlist of songs by Fiona Apple and 'Weird Al' Yankovic to help him overcome writer's block. It's his motivation to get dirty—to fuel his creativity.

8. Take Control

Meetings may quickly consume the first couple hours of your workday. Take charge and discover inspiration at work by organizing and arranging your first few encounters of the day so you look forward to them. This will be one of the most important responses to what motivates your working life.

Set up a coffee meeting or a conference call with someone from the workplace, who is usually enthusiastic and innovative. This is a low-stress technique to be inspired at work because it only requires showing up and a little planning.

You can also find inspiration by interacting with your family at home. My family frequently plans breakfast together and holds a little morning celebration. It truly helps us get our days started in a great way, and the motivating energy we gain goes over to work (and school).

9.Break Big Tasks Into Smaller Objectives

When you know you have a large assignment or project coming up at work, it may be quite demotivating. You will be stressed before you even arrive. To reduce job anxiety and feel better about the day ahead of you, divide any large chores into smaller goals.

For example, suppose you have to prepare a 30-minute presentation by Friday. If you think of it as one giant job, it will feel daunting; however, if you intend to work on 10 minutes of that presentation each day, it will feel lot more manageable.

10. Make a Smart To-Do List

Returning to work might be intimidating when there is a lot to accomplish. And these days, the never-ending things on our to-do lists make it difficult to even begin to address them. When we have a big to-do list, our initial impulse is to avoid doing anything rather than looking at the laundry list.

You may wonder, "How do I get to work when I have to do hundreds of things?"

Instead of focusing on every activity, make your to-do list more strategic.

Generic to-do lists are ineffective for most individuals because they overwhelm you before the chores begin. To get started with a smart to-do list to boost your motivation at work, make a list of everything you need to complete, then start with the most important three things and set the rest aside.

When we are compelled to choose only three things, we focus on those that will have the most impact. And three chores are far more doable than the 50 on our prior list, making it simpler to find the drive to return to work. We can all do three basic tasks.

If you do those three jobs with enough time, move on to the next three. Splitting the list into sets of three based on importance reduces overload and increases the likelihood of checking more items off the list.

Ironically, reducing your list to only three activities allows you to complete more things because you approach the list in digestible chunks that lessen overwhelm, enhance productivity, and preserve the drive required to complete everything.

11. Just Start, and Start Small

The most difficult element of finding motivation for work is always getting back to work—or really starting up again.

However, every large undertaking is essentially a series of tiny, straightforward tasks. A proposal begins with only one word. A phone call is initiated by dialing a single number. A new endeavor is launched with a single e-mail. Everything begins by just starting.

It might be intimidating to get started when you don't know how to complete the full job or have a clear picture of what the ultimate product will be. So, don't.

Instead, start. For example, suppose you have severe writer's block. You might just begin typing, "I'm not sure what to write, but I'm determined to write today." So I'll keep typing till I get an idea." And now you've started. You've already gotten over the most difficult hurdle: writing words on a page.

You may not have the insight now, but you have put yourself in a position to receive it.

By getting back into the habit of working, your mind ultimately returns to work mode. You don't need to be inspired to get back into it; just get started.

12. Celebrate Big and Small Achievements

When we lack motivation for work, the most efficient technique to overcome it is to build motivation. Create a reward for yourself if you accomplish the task at hand—it may be an afternoon stroll, an ice cream sundae, or an hour of video games at the end of the day. Whatever reward you select, be sure it is one that you are excited about and will look forward to.

The anticipation of the reward will motivate you to complete the activity since you'll begin to equate it with the nice reward you'll receive later. For example, if you need to finish a report by the end of the day, you may celebrate by getting your favorite dish for supper. Throughout the day, the notion of that great lunch might give you an extra boost to get things done.

However, you don't have to wait till your task is completed to reward yourself. In fact, research suggests that providing frequent rewards early on improves productivity and attention the most.

So, rather than waiting until you accomplish the entire assignment to receive the main reward, you might schedule minor prizes in between, such as a coffee break after the first segment or a walk around the neighborhood after the second. These little breaks are both time-limited (as described in the technique above) and reward-based, giving you encouragement to keep going.

Do not underestimate the power of a tiny incentive to keep you motivated in your daily job life.

13. Know That the Work You Put in Will Boost Your Reputation

accomplish you understand what drives you to accomplish an excellent job? What if I told you it can work wonders for you in the future?

Anytime I consider slacking off, I feel as if my reputation is on the line. I imagine my peers subconsciously telling themselves, "He doesn't work hard." But I know that if I work hard and go above and beyond, it will be acknowledged. Even if it does, I am personally satisfied that I tried my best.

Do the right thing, no matter who is looking, because it is the right thing to do. Many times, you may spend months without being praised, but your efforts will ultimately be recognized. What goes around comes around, and no one will ever be able to claim you didn't deserve it. That's what matters.

14. Reach Out for Support

According to Newton's Law of Inertia, an object at rest will remain at rest until acted upon by an external force. In other words, you're unlikely to get yourself started again without a little help.

When you stop doing anything, it's quite difficult to restart. So the chances of us willing ourselves there without an outside influence are slim. That suggests you need something outside of oneself, such as a buddy or coworker, to re-energize you.

If you're feeling trapped and unable to return to work, get help from someone who can provide some drive. You may bounce ideas off a coworker to be re-inspired; work over your resistance with a brief phone call to a friend; or even obtain new ideas on how to approach the issue from a different perspective.

In fact, studies have found that fast conversations with coworkers and friends can help improve the part of the brain that governs concentration, planning, prioritization, and even organizing. That implies that taking the time to chat and seek for help can help your brain function more effectively.

15. Take a Time-Restrained Break

We all need to take natural pauses from work. While it may appear that we must just plow on and push ourselves to complete the task, research has shown that taking small pauses may enhance focus, replenish energy, and increase productivity.

Instead of pressing oneself to "get back to work," take a deliberate break to recharge and appreciate the necessary pause.

The key, however, is that the break be just that: a break. Set a timer during your break to avoid getting lost and never returning to work. When your brain understands that the break is very short, it is more likely to take advantage of the relaxing advantages rather than get preoccupied with focused thinking about something new.

A timed break, whether it's a 15-minute pause or a 30-minute lunch, allows you to rest and recharge before returning to work when the timer goes off.

Final Thoughts

We all have ups and downs, and there will be moments when we just do not feel like doing anything constructive and think, "I don't want to work." This is natural, and you may take steps to address it. Use any of the techniques listed above to help you become inspired for work and enhance your overall perspective.

Knowing how to encourage oneself to go to work is essential no matter what your profession is. Take the time to implement one of the recommendations listed above into your weekly routine. As you progress in your work, you may discover that motivation becomes less of an issue.

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