We've invited Anna Schaffner, Exhaustion and Burnout Coach, to join us on this edition of The Lifehack Show.
Anna is a writer, coach, and cultural history lecturer. She is the author of works on the history of weariness as well as the art of self-development. Anna is genuinely committed to assisting people in transitioning from a condition of weariness to a state of vitality, allowing them to direct their energy to what truly matters in their lives.
In this episode, Anna discusses what weariness and burnout mean in today's fast-paced society. She also gives the audience advice on how to avoid weariness and how to move from a state of exhaustion to one of vigor.
3 Ways to Transition from Exhaustion to Vitality
When we lose our capacity to experience joy, and when we don't allow ourselves to engage in activities that make us joyful because we feel like we should be working but can't be productive, this is an evident indicator of burnout, according to the interview.
In the interview, I shared three simple things we can take to combat weariness and regain energy:
1. Know What Motivates And Energizes You
Exhaustion may sometimes draw people into a truly murky zone where they lose touch with their feelings, values, and underlying aspirations and purpose in life. Understanding what exhausts you and what gives you energy might help you determine which behaviors to maintain and which to abandon.
When you're fatigued, self-awareness and self-knowledge are essential since what energizes and drains one person may be very different from what energizes and drains another. Introverts, for example, need to restore energy by spending time alone reading and withdrawing from social engagements, whilst extroverts acquire energy by spending time with others.
2. Know What Is Under Your Control And What Isn’t
Do you know which of your life's tiredness generators you can control and which you can't?
You will feel less worried when you quit attempting to manage external conditions over which you have no control. What you can do is concentrate on how you react to environmental stimuli. The Circles of Control is an excellent mental framework to use if you wish to better manage your energy.
3. Remember What Gives You Joy
This is an excellent exercise, but it's not simple, especially if you're tired. When we are fatigued, we tend to lose touch with our delight.
When you focus solely on how horrible you feel when you're exhausted, you just exacerbate your negative energy. Instead of focusing on what you don't want to encounter, recall good experiences to re-energize your positive energy.
Anna also gave a short tip for dealing with negative thoughts that sap your vitality. This short advice is to begin each negative thought with "I think."
Instead of expressing, "I'm not very good at my job," say, "I think I'm not really good at my job." Because there is now an element of doubt, the negative statement is no longer as forceful.
You can also add another layer by saying "I notice." For example, "I've noticed that I don't think I'm particularly good at my job..." This way, you truly notice what is going on in your brain and you're just looking at the thought saying it's not reality and it's just a useless thought; that it's a terrible habit of thinking that doesn't lead us anywhere.
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