12 Healthy Brain Foods To Improve Your Concentration

  • 19 Oct 2024
  • Brain Power

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Brain Power

12 Healthy Brain Foods to Improve Your Concentration

  • 19 Oct 2024
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12 Healthy Brain Foods To Improve Your Concentration

Looking to get focused, improve your memory, retention, and overall concentration? Here are 12 healthy brain foods that you should eat.



Food can affect various brain processes, including memory, focus, and attentiveness. This makes eating nutritious brain foods critical for increasing concentration and preserving mental well-being.

The human body consists of trillions of cells. Cells require a steady flow of energy to stay alive, create, and maintain their biological order. This essential energy comes from the chemical bond energy in food molecules (depending on what you eat), which serves as fuel for the body's cells. During this process, the body breaks down the proteins, lipids, and polysaccharides that make up the majority of the food we eat, reducing them to smaller molecules that our cells may use—either as a source of energy or building blocks for other molecules. This energy-generating process helps the cells of the human body and brain stay healthy.

The average human brain comprises 100 billion cells, and those cells function similarly to the trillions of cells in the entire human body. The brain's cells thrive on healthy nutrients, particularly those that promote the brain's development and function.

Brain Foods For Boosting Your Focus


1. Water

I've recommended drinking more water as a treatment for a variety of diseases, and boosting cognitive performance is a no-brainer. According to H.H. Mitchell of the Journal of Biological Chemistry, the brain and heart constitute 73% water.[1] You should examine not just how much water you drink, but also the quality of the water! For the best results, I recommend using alkaline water or natural spring water.

2. Salmon or Fatty Fish

Fish is one of the most important healthy brain foods. They are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids aid in the formation of membranes that surround body cells, including those in the brain. As a result, they can increase the structural integrity of brain cells known as neurons. A 2017 study found that persons with high omega-3 levels had improved blood flow to the brain. Researchers also discovered a link between omega-3 levels and improved cognition, mental processing, and reasoning ability.[2]

3. Coffee

Coffee contains two key components that benefit your brain: caffeine and antioxidants. Caffeine can improve alertness, mood, and focus. Coffee, due in part to the antioxidants it contains, has been associated to a lower risk of neurological illnesses such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer's over time.

4. Blueberries

First, I recommend freezing your blueberries before eating them. Why? Studies conducted at South Dakota State University demonstrated that freezing blueberries increases the availability of their strong antioxidants to the human body. This is because blueberries' skin contains anthocyanins, the antioxidant molecules that give them their blue color.

Blueberries and other deep-colored berries contain anthocyanins, a class of plant chemicals that have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Blueberry antioxidants may help to slow brain aging and boost memory.

5. Turmeric

Curcumin, the main element in turmeric, has been demonstrated to pass the blood-brain barrier, allowing it to directly enter and benefit brain cells. According to research, turmeric and curcumin may assist enhance cognition in Alzheimer's patients. It may also help remove the amyloid plaques that are characteristic of this condition.

Turmeric also enhances serotonin and dopamine levels, which improves mood. Furthermore, curcumin increases brain-derived neurotrophic factor, a type of growth hormone that promotes brain cell proliferation.

6. Green Tea

Green tea, like coffee, improves brain function, including alertness, performance, memory, and focus. Green tea contains L-theanine, an amino acid that can penetrate the blood-brain barrier, enhancing the activity of the neurotransmitter GABA, which helps to reduce anxiety and promotes relaxation. 

Another advantage of L-theanine is that it increases the frequency of alpha waves in the brain, allowing you to relax without feeling drowsy. Green tea is also high in polyphenols and antioxidants, which may protect the brain from cognitive decline and lower the risk of mental illnesses like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

7. Eggs

Eggs are probably the most popular and well-known example of a good brain food. Eggs are good for the brain since they are high in vitamins B-6, B-12, and folic acid. Recent study indicates that these vitamins may help to prevent brain atrophy and delay cognitive decline.

8. Oranges

Oranges are high in vitamin C, which helps prevent age-related cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin C is also an effective antioxidant that combats free radicals that can harm brain cells.

9. Broccoli

Broccoli contains numerous plant components, including antioxidants, and is particularly high in vitamin K, providing more than 100% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) in a 1-cup (91-gram) meal. Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin required for the formation of sphingolipids, a type of fat found in tightly packed brain cells. 

Broccoli also contains chemicals known as glucosinolates. When the body degrades them, it produces isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates may lower oxidative stress and hence the risk of neurodegenerative disorders. Broccoli also contains vitamin C and flavonoids, which can help improve a person's general brain function.

10. Dark Chocolate

Chocolates are unlikely to be considered healthy brain foods. However, dark chocolate has been shown to be beneficial to the brain. Dark chocolates are high in cocoa, also known as cacao, which includes flavonoids, a type of antioxidant. 

Antioxidants, as you've already observed in many of these foods, are particularly beneficial to brain health. This is because the brain is extremely vulnerable to oxidative stress, which contributes to age-related cognitive decline and a variety of brain illnesses. Overall, cacao flavonoids appear to benefit the brain. Flavonoids may promote neuron and blood vessel proliferation in areas of the brain associated with learning and memory. They may also cause increased blood flow in the brain.

11. Walnuts and Nuts

Many nuts are good to the brain. However, walnuts are the most beneficial nut for general brain health. They contain a relatively high proportion of DHA, an Omega-3 fatty acid. Among other benefits, DHA has been demonstrated to protect newborn newborns' brain function. It also enhances adult cognitive performance and aids in the prevention or treatment of age-related cognitive decline.

12. Avocados

Avocados are not only delicious, but they also contain healthy unsaturated fats, which can assist strengthen the brain. Eating monounsaturated fats may help lower blood pressure, and because high blood pressure is associated with cognitive loss, avocados can be especially beneficial.

Final Thoughts

Try to incorporate some of these components into your eating habits. You can also take supplements to help your brain and its cells stay healthy and develop properly.

However, this article focused on consumable foods. While reviewing this list of healthy brain foods, I recommend taking a holistic approach to improving cognitive function that includes exercise, sleep, hydration, and, of course, diet. Let us nourish our brains together!

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