Feelings of discomfort and tightness in the abdomen are caused by a bloated stomach. While the causes of bloating vary depending on your body type, one thing is certain: there are various strategies to immediately start feeling better physically and mentally.
There are numerous reasons why your stomach may be swollen. These can be triggered by environmental, physiological, or even hormonal factors. The first step in minimizing bloating is finding the source of the problem.
Here are the four most common causes of bloating and how to treat them.
4 Causes of a Bloated Stomach
1. Gut Dysbiosis
Gut dysbiosis is a broad term that refers to an imbalance in the microbiome of the gut. The gut includes helpful bacteria that are required for a variety of tasks. Dysbiosis is the absence of helpful bacteria and the proliferation of harmful germs.
When the gut is out of equilibrium in this way, one of the most noticeable adverse effects is gas and bloating. This is because of the chemicals produced by the pathogenic bacteria and yeast.
Taking a probiotic regularly is an excellent strategy to eliminate intestinal dysbiosis and, as a result, stomach bloating. Probiotics replenish the healthy bacteria in your gut, which can assist with a variety of digestive concerns, including bloating.
Look for a probiotic that is time-released and carries its germs safely past your stomach acid. This will also ensure that the benefits of those bacteria are distributed throughout the day rather than all at once.
2. Gluten Intolerance (or Allergy)
Gluten is a protein that occurs naturally in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye. It is typically present in processed meals such as cereals, bread, and pasta.
Gluten sensitivity can cause a variety of health issues, including brain fog, gastrointestinal irritation, inflammation, and stomach bloating.
Celiac disease is a condition in which some people are allergic to gluten. This allergy, which is triggered simply by coming into contact with gluten, can have major health consequences.
Gluten allergies must take extra precautions because it may be disguised in some foods.
Those who are gluten intolerant will benefit from eliminating gluten from their diet.
They may also benefit from an enzyme supplement if they consume gluten unwittingly or consciously. These supplements contain a specific blend of enzymes required for carbohydrate digestion, such as amylase, protease, glucoamylase, and beta-glucanase, to mention a few.
Gluten-free foods are an important part of your diet if you have Celiac disease. Gluten allergies can be fatal, and they can also cause flare-ups that cause persistent exhaustion, considerable weight loss, painful gas and bloating, irritability, and even depression.
FODMAPS are carbohydrates that are more likely to induce or worsen gas and bloating.
You are more prone to feel bloating after eating if the required enzymes are not present. Carbohydrates come in several forms, and they require a variety of enzymes to break down.
If one or more of these enzymes, such as those required for digestion, are missing or lacking in your gut, you may have gas and bloating.
You can conduct tests to establish which meals are causing your bloating. Garlic, artichokes, apples, mango, prunes, cauliflower, and most gluten-containing goods are frequently associated with bloating. Identifying the items that are causing your bloat is one approach to avoid it because you will know which things to avoid.
Going for a stroll after meals can also help to lessen bloating. Prolonged bloating that does not resolve with standard treatments may signal that something more serious is going on internally.
4. Standard American Diet
The Standard American Diet, or SAD for short, is exactly that: sad. This Western diet pattern is characterized by a high intake of refined carbohydrates, an imbalance in omega acids, and high-sodium processed convenience items.
The final outcome of a diet based on convenience and processed meals is frequently a bloated stomach. Other, more serious side effects include a wide range of chronic diseases ranging from cancer to obesity.
The solution to this problem is both simple and complicated.
We've grown accustomed to this eating routine, and the majority of our meals are based on it. However, by incorporating more whole foods and produce, you can gradually reduce inflammatory and bloat-inducing foods.
Refined carbs are swiftly digested by the body, resulting in a rapid glucose increase. In the long run, this can lead to weight gain and imbalances such as Candida overgrowth.
Omega fatty acids are essential components of every diet, but when there is an imbalance between pro-inflammatory omega-6 and anti-inflammatory omega-3, inflammation and bloating follow.
When Is Stomach Bloating Serious?
Those who have chronic and unrelenting bloating should consult their doctor to see whether there is a more serious underlying problem.
Monitor your bloating to see whether it worsens over time, lasts longer than a week, becomes increasingly painful, or is accompanied by other symptoms such as fever or vomiting. A more serious reason may be at the foundation of the problem in these circumstances.
Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, a condition in which there are insufficient digestive enzymes to process particular macronutrients, is a more dangerous cause.
Gastritis, or stomach inflammation, is another dangerous illness that could be causing your stomach bloating. This is caused mostly by bacterial infections such as H. pylori, a peptic ulcer, or prolonged alcohol intake.
Ascites can also cause chronic and severe stomach bloating. This is the slow accumulation of fluid in the abdomen cavity caused by liver, renal, or cardiac illness.
Other Ways to Prevent Stomach Bloating
Common reasons of bloated stomach, such as FODMAP intake, gluten intolerance, or gut dysbiosis, can all be handled in their own way. However, there are several other ways to manage or prevent stomach bloat on an individual basis.
Certain herbal drinks, such as peppermint, ginger, or turmeric, can help relieve gas and aid with digestion. These herbal teas can help reduce stomach bloating caused by overeating or eating too rapidly.
Along with a strong probiotic pill, eating a proper amount of fiber, which is uncommon in today's diet, can help reduce stomach bloating by feeding the healthy bacteria in your gut and reducing gut dysbiosis.
Staying hydrated is another important technique to avoid common stomach bloat because it promotes proper motility and digestion. Water helps your body get rid of excess sodium, which is one of the reasons for bloating, as outlined in the Standard American Diet.
Finally, stress is a prevalent issue. It can be handled by stress reduction measures such as exercise or other approaches specific to you and your situation.
Final Thoughts
Stomach bloating is typical in many people, although it should not last more than a few days. Pay close attention to potential triggers, and the first step is to address these reasons.
If your bloating persists and grows more severe over time, it may be time to seek medical attention to discover the source of the problem and receive proper treatment.
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