Feeling stuck? Here's Why and How To Get Unstuck in Life

  • 01 Apr 2024
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Feeling Stuck in Life? Here’s Why and How to Break Free

  • 01 Apr 2024
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Feeling stuck? Here's Why and How To Get Unstuck in Life

Feeling stuck is an awful feeling. Here's how to get unstuck in life and prevent feeling stuck again and live a fulfilling life

The numbers are terrible. According to a recent study, 69% of people feel trapped in their daily routines, and only three out of ten are satisfied with their lives.People feel stuck. So, how can you get unstuck in life? 


What Does It Mean to Feel Stuck?

Some people feel stuck in their professions, as if they are too far down one route to make a shift. Some people feel stuck in their personal life. 

The daily grind takes up most of their time and energy. As a result, their relationships, self-care, and personal aspirations get lost in the shuffle of a treadmill lifestyle. 

When people face these obstacles of feeling stuck, the experience often persists. It frequently becomes more intense with time. As the stuck sensation worsens, some people decide to settle. 

They unconsciously, and without realizing it, put their ambitions and goals further and more down.

Others, if the sense of being stuck becomes overwhelming, decide to make changes. They may decide to change occupations after years of success in one position. 

They may decide to make significant adjustments in their relationships or prioritize their fitness. They may make radical adjustments to feel free. These adjustments can be extremely difficult to implement, especially if a person has spent many years in a particular lifestyle. 

Feeling stuck is not enjoyable. I have been there. I got it.


Why Are You Feeling Stuck?

Sometimes people feel stuck. There are numerous causes of feeling stuck. Many people labor for goals that do not reflect who they are at their heart or what they truly want. I refer to this as "False Objectives".



Living a life of False Objectives can leave people feeling stagnant and disappointed. People can establish lives that are quite "successful" according to society; yet, if your life is founded on False Objectives, you will not be fulfilled. You'll feel stuck.



Another factor of being stuck is not knowing who you are. If you don't understand how you're wired - your skills, gifts, talents, and interests - it's difficult to make decisions that allow you to optimize them. It is difficult to realize your greatest potential if you do not know who you are.



You may feel stuck if you are doing job that does not allow you to fully utilize your natural abilities. If you undertake job that does not bring out the best in you, you will most likely be dissatisfied and fail to attain your full potential.



Other folks feel stuck since they don't have mentors or peers who have accomplished their goals. They stick to regular habits despite their desire to live a more adventurous life. As Jim Rohn says: 

"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with." 

If you want to run a marathon but spend most of your evenings and weekends drinking beer with your coworkers, you're unlikely to succeed. 

If your objective is to live a location-independent lifestyle and work from anywhere, but everyone in your social circle works regular employment, it will be difficult to break free from the 9-5 mindset.



Relationships can appear to be an oasis in the desert, but they may actually be quicksand. There may have been relationships in your life that sapped your vitality and left you feeling stagnant. They left you feeling like you were at a dead end. 

Sound familiar? 

We need to be linked. It's in our genes. The relationship you have with yourself, however, is the most crucial one! 

If you don't treat yourself well, how can you expect others to treat you well? If you don't know what you're worth, how can you attract the correct people? 

A long-term, committed relationship with anyone requires you to first commit to yourself.


Is Being Stuck Really Such a Bad Thing?

Is it really that horrible to be stuck with the status quo? After all, not everyone can be a superstar, correct? What's wrong with living a calm life, with few turns and twists, and simply going with the flow? 

True, there isn't much fun in this, but neither is there much disappointment, anxiety, tension, or lack of ambition. Life is easy and straightforward.

So why do we continually hearing from the greats that staying in one area is not a good idea? 

Tony Robbins provides an ingeniously simple response to this topic. 

"If you are not growing, you are dying." 

"Progress equals happiness," he explains. "That's because achieving a goal is rewarding, but only temporarily. Life is not about reaching goals; rather, it is about who you become while pursuing those goals.

There you have it: remaining in one place makes us unhappy.

We are all aware that the comfort zone can be beneficial. It's like wrapping a cozy old blanket around oneself on a cold winter night and cuddling in front of your favorite television show. But just because something seems comfortable doesn't mean it's acceptable to continue with it forever. 

Remember: progress equals happiness. 

You may not even be aware of the quiet voice in the back of your mind that has been bothering you, but you should learn to listen carefully—because you may wake up one day and realize that your productive life has vanished, and you haven't accomplished many of the goals you set for yourself.


How Feeling Stuck Can Harm Your Life

Feeling stuck disrupts people's life. The repercussions of being stuck might vary from moderate to severe. People may experience slight dissatisfaction with life and eventually succumb to the notion that everything is "okay," and settle. (Nancy's tale will connect with you.) 

They may never realize their entire potential, including their maximum levels of happiness and contentment. And they may not have as much of an impact on the world as they could, and they have a nagging feeling that there is "more" to life. 

Often, however, the experience of being stuck has far-reaching implications. Feeling stagnant can stymie career advancement and contribute to failed relationships. It can result in severe midlife crises.

The sensation can (and typically does) worsen over time, resulting in severe regret for unmet ambitions. 

According to Bronnie Ware, a palliative care nurse, the most common regret of the dying is, "I wish I'd had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me." She writes: 

"This was the most common regret among all." When people realize their lives are almost finished and reflect on them objectively, it is evident how many dreams have gone unfulfilled. Many people had not realized even half of their dreams, and they had to die knowing that it was because of decisions they had made or not done."


8 Steps to Take When You’re Feeling Stuck In Life

After asking yourself the two questions, focus on your plan to get unstuck. I've personally tested these tactics, and they work for me.


1. Set Goals That Actually Matters

This may seem apparent, but we are all drawn into False Objectives at times. When you set goals for your professional and personal life, be sure they are meaningful to you. 

Working hard on major goals that don't correspond with your basic beliefs, objectives, and identity is a surefire way to become trapped. 

Discover your abilities, gifts, and passions. Choose goals that are true to who you are at your heart, and work toward them using your inner strengths and gifts. This will allow you to realize your full potential while reducing emotions of stuckness and frustration.


2. Approaching Life Differently

Fortunately, certain highly effective tactics can help you avoid feeling trapped. These tactics can help you avoid major troubles in your life. It's different from traditional living, and it works. 

People typically follow a number of defined routines. While some patterns are beneficial, becoming locked in the daily grind routine can be frustrating. 

Many individuals eat roughly the same meals each week, go to the same spot every day, chat to the same people, keep the same commitments, and eventually live their lives on autopilot.

It's difficult to feel like you're moving forward when each day is spent repeating the same uninspired routine. To prevent feeling stuck, live intentionally. It is critical to take control of your life and stop operating on autopilot.

First, remove the False Objectives. Just because everyone in your family is a doctor doesn't imply it's the best option for you. Just because all of your friends are married with large houses, white picket fences, and two children does not mean that is the right option for you. Just because everyone you know works 9 to 5, doesn't mean it's the greatest option for you. It's difficult to plan your life consciously, but it's necessary to avoid feeling stuck. 

Remember, the majority of people are trapped. So, if you're following the crowd, you'll probably feel stuck as well. You'll have to think differently and plan your life differently.


3. Control Your Mindset

Often, we believe we are stuck, yet the problem is our thinking. Being aware of our thoughts and self-talk is essential for living a life of freedom and fulfillment. Rephrasing your self-talk can help you change your thinking. 

For example, instead of telling yourself, "I could never start a business," reword it as, "I don't know how to start a business yet, but I can learn." 

If you find yourself saying, "I don't have enough money to travel," tell yourself, "I don't have the money right now, but I can make a plan to save for it." Rephrasing your self-talk might help you discover options and possibilities rather than staying stuck.

Even the most driven people experience days when they feel unmotivated. Check read this article for advice on how to stay motivated when you feel like doing nothing. What Motivates You, and How to Stay Motivated 

These pointers can help you get out of a slump.


4. Ask Yourself These Questions Every Day

Every day, ask yourself questions to help you consciously build your life, avoid falling prey to False Objectives, and avoid feeling stuck. These questions can help you keep focused on what's most important to you, avoid feeling trapped or irritated, and live the greatest life possible.



If you show up to work every day and devote your years to your profession, it's critical that your "why" goes beyond "to pay the bills." Understanding why you're doing what you're doing might help you make decisions that inspire and motivate you. 

Asking yourself why you're going to do what you're going to do today will help you live more consciously. In today's extremely busy, easily distracted society, living consciously and focusing on what is most important is unusual. 

When you ask yourself why you do what you do every day, you will be able to keep focused on what is most important to you. This can keep you from becoming stuck.



Imagine yourself in the future as your best self. What does that version of yourself want you to accomplish today? Making future-focused decisions might help you move forward and avoid feeling stuck and disappointed. 

When you make decisions for the future you, you acquire perseverance and get the rewards of delayed gratification. Today's society values quick gratification, but many wonderful things in life need time and work. 

Learning to take modest steps ahead by making decisions with the future in mind will help you achieve your most ambitious objectives and dreams.


5. Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

Shaking up your regular routine and infusing some excitement into your days will help you become unstuck. 

Breaking away from your regular routine can be uncomfortable, but it can also be a terrific way to energize your life. You can start by stepping outside of your comfort zone in tiny ways. Here are ten strategies to get out of your comfort zone and overcome your fears. As Brian Tracy says: 

"Get out of your comfort zone. You can only grow if you are willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable when doing anything new. 

Getting out of your comfort zone and experiencing growth might help you continue to move forward and avoid becoming stagnant.


6. Surround Yourself With Positive Audience

It's easy to become stuck when you're attempting to accomplish something but don't feel you can do it. 

Instead of being lonely and stuck, make a commitment to learn from others who have accomplished what you want to do. This can make you assume it is achievable to reach the same objectives. It can also encourage you to move forward rather than remain stuck. 

You can seek out a mentor, read inspiring books, or listen to encouraging podcasts by people who have accomplished your most ambitious goals and objectives.


7. Let Go Of What’s No Good

Take a step back and see things from a different angle. Consider the status of your connections. Do something if they aren't making you happy. Even if the other individual has a history of wrongdoing, this still applies.

Long-term contentment is any relationship's ultimate goal. Relationships should improve with time, rather than degrade. If you learn that someone is lying to you, you should leave.‍

Make a list of qualities you admire in others. Many persons in my life have these characteristics. Is there a rationale for this? What are your options?‍

Take a chance with something new. Make an attempt to meet new individuals. As an adult, it's quite awkward. This is something I am fully aware of. 


8. Reassess, Improve, And Repeat

Consider what went well and what could be improved in the future. Improve your capacity to observe and act on your ideas. 

Remind yourself that your thoughts do not define you as a person, and work on letting go of connection to them. This is the first step toward improving your mental health and overcoming feelings of stagnation. 

Consider how your behaviors influence your emotional reactions, and whether they align with your desired outcomes and views. Progress and achievement necessitate a lot of repetition. Keep doing it until it becomes second nature to you, then quit.


How To Help Someone Who Is Feeling Stuck In Life?

If any of your loved ones are feeling irreversibly stuck, you can assuage them by assuring that:



They may believe they are helpless at times, and no effort appears to be worthwhile. However, don't take minor accomplishments for granted. The smallest of details can lead to the biggest of accomplishments. Small steps are fantastic in and of themselves, so don't underestimate their value. 

Make a list of all the ways they can get closer to their goal, then allow them to choose one and encourage them to take action right immediately. 

It's a lovely thing to be rid of all the negativity in your life. Research indicates that incremental achievements are effective early motivators. 

Feeling stuck is frequently related with negativity. As a result, eliminating toxins from our lives should be a primary focus. Ask them to start by focusing on the positive and getting rid of negative people in their lives.



Nobody gets far by sitting around waiting for something or someone to come into their lives and improve matters. Power and choice are two essential forces that shape human behavior. 

Explain this to someone who is stuck, and they will uncover their brilliance on the edge of their discomfort zone. Encourage them to be gentle to themselves and keep away from negative thoughts. Explain that each setback is an opportunity to learn and improve.


Final Thoughts

It's frustrating to be stranded. But if you know how to get out of a rut, you don't have to stay there. 

Practice living consciously by asking yourself the following two important questions: 

Why am I going to do this today? 
What does the future want me to do now? 
When you regularly focus on what you actually want and whether you are doing the things that will get you there, you will eventually feel less trapped.


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